One Fine Day 

Cobbled together on a napkin at some swanky Hollywood restaurant by writers Terry Seltzer and Emily Simon as an excuse to team rising ER (and soon to be Batman) star George Clooney with the doe-eyed Michelle Pfeiffer, One Fine Day is an insipid rom-com that does the belaboured genre no favours. The film charts one day in the life of two divorcees, a hot-shot investigative journalist and a hot-shot architect who meet cute one morning then spend the rest of the day trying not to fall in love whilst ministrating to the demands of their respective pre-school kids and, of course, their high-powered jobs. Touching only perfunctorily on the frustrations facing a single parent trying to juggle a career and a love life, the film quickly cedes to the formulaic contrivances of a kitschy rom-com where the characters' job-related issues are given short shrift in order to focuse primarily on the two photogenic leads and their will they or won't they dilemma. Director Michael Hoffman valiantly struggles to keep the plot strands from fraying but it's a lost cause. Irritating to say the least. 
